Our mosquito's itching to come over and play. She can be there by dusk. Great gag gift for nature enthusiasts and good reminder to bring insect repellent.
All About the Mosquito (Culex Pipiens)
FACTS: There are about 3,000 species of mosquito, but culex pipiens is the most common. It is found almost all over the world, except in Antarctica.
Spanish for "little fly," mosquitoes beat their wings between 300 and 600 times per second. The unnerving sound they create differs from species to species, and listening for the right note helps male and female mosquitoes coordinate their social lives to find suitable mates!
But only female mosquitoes bite. Their eggs need the protein in blood to help develop. While culex pipiens females will happily snack on human blood, they tend to feed on birds
Mosquito Plush